DS9908 Corded Hybrid RFID Imager
If you are already benefitting from RFID in your supply chain, the DS9908R with RFID closes the RFID loop by capturing RFID-tagged merchandise at the POS, as well as commissioning RFID tags on returned goods and new items for faster processing. Complimentary RFID data conversion software lets you read RFID tags without modifying your existing POS application.
…CLICK HERE to download a PDF of the brochure: Zebra Scanners at a Glance
A Dolphin Data Capture Machine Vision Video...
Watch to see Zebra’s Machine Vision and Deep Learning Development Platform… Aurora Vision
Two Zebra OEM Solutions Create One Powerful System...
Take a look at a Realtime Printing Inspection/Validation system from Dolphin Data Capture.
IVD / Test Tube Inspection… Barcode Reading, OCR, Liquid Levels, Cap Detection and More…
Watch our AACC 2022 Machine Vision / IVD Demonstration Video.
A Dolphin Data Capture Workbench Video...
Another great video from the Dolphin Data Capture workbench with Mike Bannister. Mike takes a closer look at the Zebra SE4100, SE4107 1D and 2D barcode imagers.
The Zebra Product Integration Experts...
Download the DDC OEM Medical Brochure and see how we are the Zebra Product Integration Experts.
Point-of-Care Pill Counting Using a Zebra DS8100-HC Handheld Scanner and Aurora Machine Vision…
Watch our AACC 2022 Machine Vision / Pill Counting Demonstration Video